Every trader, liquidity provider, and institution trades on the same information. EQONEX does not market-make on its own exchange and conducts daily market surveillance to eliminate any risk of manipulation.
Tier 1 Jurisdiction Regulation
EQONEX operates under an exemption from Singapore’s Payment Services Act provided by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The exchange has applied for a full license.
Institutional Architecture
Trusted 3rd party Liquidity Partners
Our liquidity providers are some of the most significant market makers in the industry and ensure good liquidity and tight spreads at all times.
Segregation of Duties
All institutional accounts will offer full segregation of duties features, which allow for admin/AP and deposit/withdrawal controls.
Multi-Account Structure
Institutional clients can operate under a single entity with multiple trading accounts, allowing clients to monitor their portfolios in a similar manner to traditional finance group trading desks.
Managed Accounts
Institutional clients benefit from bespoke relationship management.
API TestNet
Access a full-service API TestNet testing facility platform for third party-integration.
CCXT Certification is available alongside in-house integration support.
Portfolio Level Margining
EQONEX is a fully integrated futures and spot exchange, which will soon also allow a single portfolio to manage both spot and derivatives for margining and liquidation.
Our derivatives platform is being built to allow for cross-collateralization, enabling clients to post a combination of stablecoin and crypto assets against any exposure.
Optimized Liquidation
Traders receive the best available liquidation price as well as the difference when the execution price is better than the zero price.
Liquidation Platform
Market-makers compete for liquidations on our platform, resulting in lower and more transparent liquidation prices.
Partial Liquidations
EQONEX allows for partial liquidations by using a limit order at the zero bankruptcy price, reducing the risk of auto-deleveraging events.
Bankruptcy Price Calculation
The zero price is calculated in the same way, whether or not it is for a full or partial liquidation.